First day:
Andra and I went to the market b4 we go to school to buy some maize,potatoes,sweet potatoes and sausages for the camp.(p.s:The veggies sold in Giant Kelana Jaya are so NOT fresh.Don't tell me I didn't warn you bout this!><)Then,we made Yi Ling chase after the car when she saw us coming into the school compound just to help us bring our stuff down from the car(we're ALMOST late..XP)hehe..Oh!Our group member consist of Yi Ling(leader),Hee Ching(assistant),Rosini(full of ideas),Andra(Trains our model),Aileen(created the group cheer!!XD),Me(name tag maker),Yeek Tat(Stove guy..lolx),Joune Keat(not bad for a form 1) and Kok Wai(Our group model!!)..Anyway,we played sum games which make us all run and sweat like sum sort of mad cow,wet from head to toes but all of us had lotsa fun..I remembered Yi Ling had been really sporting with the rest of the groupsand she proved it all being a good group leader..^^ But,we face problem when we hv to use stove in preparing out breakfast and that stuupid charcoal in preparing our lunch and dinner!!How pathetic!!And we had to change the whole menu..But in the end we managed to solve these problems..Voila!! ^^ However,I can't sleep on the first night coz my friggin sleepin bag was super thin and my backbone ache the next morning..(tsk,regret for not briggin any pillows) Things get worser with the freezing environment in the library..Probably water can even turn to ice in such degree!