Friday, September 11, 2009

~Looking at the outside world~

Went to attend the Litrak art competition prize giving ceremony right after tuition.Won Rm 200 but I think I'll just give it to my mum..haha..Lurve you mummy :)

Anyway,as the traffics was full with jams~blueberry,strawberry,lemons,kiwis and maybe blackcurrant we took about 1 hour just to reach there.As the car was moving real slow,I sorta look outside and yes,into the driver's seat of each and every cars that drove past.Let's see..there's this old man who was smoking,and another woman who looked like she was going to fall asleep soon,two lil young kids who waved their hands saying hello to me,another man cleaning his nose(ewww..),some talking on the phone an yes..there's two men who are really perasan~~lol..

Anyway,the days seems to get better and yes,I do feel really happier now thanks to those who tried to make me feel better and listened to all my keluhan yang tidak pernah berhenti.Haha..Thanks again.Lol..I noticed that I've been thanking here and there these So random.


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