Wednesday, November 4, 2009

~We Both Know~

Something tells me that you know who is the one whom I mentioned in my blog all these while.Or is it just me playing this game alone from the very beginning~~I do not know.It had been like many many stars shooting from the glance whenever our eyes meet but we both never fail to pretend like we both did not know what is going on every time we meet not only on web but reality.It had been so long since we ever laugh and chat~day day you left us.Why does this have to be like that?What makes it so hard for us to like somebody and yet not able to do anything?I've always been the one to start a conversation with you knowing that it will be like 'waiting for the cows to fly' just to make things happen the other way around.Isn't it obvious that all i want is just you to start one,JUST ONE SMALL conversation yourself which can easily cure the shrinking heart that I have in me now?It doesn't matter if you did not do so in reality but I really hope you could fulfill my humble request?I do not mind to do the 'clicking' first but think,I can't be always the first and last person to do that.I am just a normal girl.A girl and not a boy.Do you understand?

''You're like the bumble bee,
Stoppin' by to pick up yellow honey,
Only that it's more to my hearty,
Stole and stuck in reality''

One simple question..

Are you willing to make a move first?

I do not mind being the one who do it all but it can't go on like that forever.

Is it worth it to see the time fly pass while we just stare into the blank space?



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