Saturday, May 28, 2011

~A Tribute to the Angels Out There~

4 EEs down, and just one more to go; econs- almost like a foreign friend as it's so different compared with the secondary school syllabus. It was kinda surprisingly to know that college's economics standard is a huge leap, probably due to the switch in language and the non-stop numeric datas but it's okay I guess. The infos actually kinda relate to each other in some kinds of ways and it is the matter of time of how fast I can get used to it. So.. gambatteh!! :D Haha.. I feel so much better now after Mr Account EE broke even my heart into two yesterday. Literally. :)

Thank gawd it's Saturday. :) Although it have been a pretty stressing week however, I am glad that I took some time off my books into learning how to make sushi's. Yup, sushi's. :)

Clockwise from left top corner:
Ingredients and Materials: 
First Row: Cucumber strips, Kimchi bits, Salmon fish
Second Row: Abalone slices, Prawns, Tunas, Vinegar Rice
Third Row: Chopping board, Sushi Bamboo Mat, Roasted Seaweed

Here's a peak of how 3 hours of my time fruited:

Tada!! Okla.. seriously I don't think it look as nice as those we buy from real Japanese restaurant but it will forever be the best tasted sushi I have ever ate as each and every pieces carries the brilliant effort that all of us put in.

The main ingredients?

Lots of  love and laughter. :)

Visited my dear Jia Hui cousin recently for a small relative reunion dinner and stopped by at her house for an hour or two before heading home.

At the restaurant:

Snapshot 1: Making weird faces. :p

Snapshot 2: Cheers!! :D

Haha, yeah.. she practically dominated my handphone and go around snapping pictures of other people. :)

At her house:

Best dinner prepared by the world's best chef.

Played "masak-masak" with her and as usual, I am always the customer while she's the chef and oh boy, how much she pressured me to "eat" faster so that she could serve more dishes. Haha.. And my goodness, see the dark green coloured bag lying at the floor? It is sooo huge that I can even put her into it and carry her around. :p She even looked like a Santa Claus herself dragging the bag all the way down the staircase except, for the fact that it's green and opened the bag only to reveal that instead of toys, it's fully loaded with her "masak-masak" secret weapons like stoves, water heater, champagne, gas stove, cutting board and all the utensils with variety of mouth watering foods.  Love her so much. :) Thanks for the great dinner sweetheart, you made me smile. :)

I ♥ Tzu Chi

Have been enjoying myself very much in their weekly activities but due to exam purpose, I am feeling so heavy hearted that I wouldn't be helping out with the teachings at the refugees school which will be later. To think about it, I also couldn't attend next weeks' activities as after the EE on Monday, I got a 5 days part time job as an art and craft teacher in conjunction for the School Holiday Art Programme by Global Art Centre. Oh my gawd.. That means I won't be seeing the shigu and shibo for 2 weeks straight. *Sight* Anyway, either how, I can't wait for the HIV Community Centre visit as this time, I will be teaching the children how to make simple craft out of recycled items. Save the Earth, our one and only home! :D Need to start in preparing the materials at home already weih.. :)

So so so badly want to watch movies in the cinema. :/

Mmm.. Ever since college started, I noticed that I blog less and less frequent compared with the past. So, I thought I could come out with a 'Thought of the Day' kinda thing at the end of each post from today onwards to make up for my time in blogging.

~ Thought of the Day 1~

If only we spend some time in silence and do nothing but watch, we will see a lot of things that we have never realized although they are a re-occuring event. Why? Because our ability to pay attention is very limited as we tend to be too obsessed with what we we want to achieve in life. But going silent for just 1 minute might worth more than 10 years of your life. Having breakfast at the dining table while watching how swiftly my mum work in the kitchen to cook my lunch meal at 6.30 a.m. to be brought to college made me appreciate every single spoon of it. Deep inside, I know it's a kind of 'xing fu' or happiness that not everyone can enjoy as many time as I do. From there, you'll tend to reach this point of life where you learn to appreciate people who came into your life and transform it with the amazing things they do regardless it's big or small. Simply because, YOU are worth it. :)


Sunday, May 8, 2011

~Whisper of The Heart~

"Open your heart and the thoughts will be pure, no one will get hurt."
Life is all about love and compassion, not only to ourselves but also the society and environment. However, how many of us actually realize that when we are always grateful and selflessly serve others with love, we are not only helping other people but also ourselves? With each day that passes, we have one day less. Each day we have 86400 seconds to use and these seconds will add up into days, and days will add up into month and years. Yet, we still complain that time can never be enough for us.. Why?

As a student myself, I do know the responsibilities that I have to carry and often my thoughts do get carried away with all the minor things I come across in life. Sometime due to the urge of wanting to achieve goals, I tend to let my personal belief, principle and values slipped away without conscious. At the end of the day, I will consequently rewind back my memory of what I did on that day itself- events which means a lot to me and how did I act towards it, just right before going to sleep. Eventually but slowly, as the images revolves one by one in front of my eyes, I started to gain notice of all the almost unnoticeable mistakes I did. How come I could let myself get carried away so easily? And it is all due to placing high expectations on myself. I now know what to do. :)

Staying calm purifies the mind.

When we have selfish love, it is a love that is restricted to only certain people, we have a lot of attachments which cause us much sufferings. But Great Love- is a love that extend to all can liberate us from sufferings and give us true peace and joy.

Amithabha Buddha.

Attended the Hari Kecemerlangan in SmkBu3 today and it was such a great pleasure to be able to meet up with Marion, Hui Hwa, Esther and the ex-librarians who played a role in making my 4 years of life as a librarian truly memorable. Except for "that" part. Forget about that, I still prefer to see him as an invincible individual- to look past you as if you aren't there. Oh God, I just can't love this teacher no matter how hard I tried to. Got this 'aturcara booklet' with all the names of the prize recipients printed on top and as I flipped to the last few pages, I was shocked to see my biodata printed on top. Now I know why the school sent me a letter requesting me to fill in and hand up by Tuesday. As my eyes stroll up and down the paper sheets, I immediately saw that something is not right. My name was spelled wrongly. Lol. But it's okay, I am used to it. *Laughs* Worst come to worst, I didn't know that the teacher will be reading all those biodatas out and it was so awkward as I have to stand on the stage and listen to every single bits of details she read. Omg.. like so perasan. Haha.. At the end of the ceremony, I was presented two trophies- one was a huge and heavy glass-cup like trophy and the other one was a small but decent looking "plat" (That's what I call it). Little did I know that the almighty glowing blue trophy is actually a "piala pusingan" and I'm supposed to give it back to the school RIGHT after the ceremony. Omg, ouch.. *Laughs* :) So I guess all I could do is just to keep photos of it as a memory. Haha.. But it's okay, can be considered good enough already. It's better than having nothing right? :)

Ever since my college life started, my schedule have been fully packed with assignments and project. The worst part of all is both of these come alternately every single week. Goodness gracious, my eyes.. I don't need any more eyes bags. But somehow, it's a relief to know that tea bags help. :) Made quite a lot of new friends and somehow, it makes me feel that I am living my life all over again. Thank you God. :)
