On and off, for the purpose of fun means, in certain situations, I was asked whether does physical appearance matters to me? How about the strength and weaknesses that one possesses?
To tell the truth, I never really thought about it. It never crossed my mind if I were to give my friends different treatments based on first impression or how they appeared to me simply because I do not talk but I speak to them sincerely to know them from within. Somehow, having good looks is just a bonus but it's what you have inside that beautiful heart of yours that really matters because it's also what people appreciate, remember and love you for; your own special attitude. :)
I hope there are someone in the world who are smiling right now.
In the world that we're in now, it's not easy for people to express how they really feel inside because nowadays, it's quite hard to find someone whom they can really trust inside. But if they do tell you that;
they care for you, they really mean it.
they are worried for you, they really do.
they cried for you, they really love you.
and when they say they love you,
they seriously do.
So, I guess that's the reason why I really like the message status of...
" Did you know that those who appear to be really strong, are often the most sensitive? Did you know that those who spend all their time taking care of others, usually really need someone to take care of them? Did you know that 3 of the hardest things to say are: I love you, I'm sorry and Help me... "
that my sister posted on her Facebook account and re-posted it to see how people react towards it. Surprised but it's kinda nice to find each of us have something in common and still struggling to overcome it together. Somehow, Mr Oliver's sharing on the Flight text in the EALD 3A syllabus inter-relates with this; it's not other people that stops you from getting what you want but yourself. And to do that, you must first overcome yourself.
Apologizing simply means that you treasure the relationship rather than putting the ego-istic your first.
Asking for help simply means that you open up your heart to accept your lack rather than putting yourself in denial state.
Confessing simply means that you found that one missing puzzle who completes you and will collect your courage to refrain her from leaving you rather than building fence out of low self confidence.
At the end of the day, it comes down to asking yourself 3 simple questions:
How much does it means to me?
How far am I willing to go for it?
Is it worth it?
P.s.: This is one part you will learn from watching Transformers. :)
Nobody can know the answer better than you do. Some people are really lucky as they have already found their purpose in life. There are also some who are still beating around the bush, still unsure of what they are born to do and achieve in life but... they're not giving up. Each and every one of us is different and therefore, have distinctive ways of life and there are some people who found their life partner in just a day while some could spend decades of their life years in search for the right one. So, if you found her or him, do not let go because you will never be sure when you're going to find the same person ever again. Same goes to your dreams and goals in life. :)
I know this sounds weird but I find my mum rather rather cute when she gets angry, confused, or starts mumbling and nagging at the whole world and I can't help but to start laughing. LOL. And one good thing about that? It sorta cools her down~~ sometimes. :p
Join the word 'art' and 'politics' together and you will get the ugly side of Picasso's world, finely camouflage with streaks of paint. Art, is not as beautiful as what it seems to be like; I've gone through many of it since I was 10 and if I were to describe my experience with one word, it's 'tougher'. Definitely. Such an intense , competitive, and evil place to be where you'll see all the 'flaws' that human possess from all angles and can even make a collection out of them. Incidents of winners who went home empty handed due to the filing of complains by the competitor's parents to the judge because they weren't quite satisfied with the results announced were quite a norm. The wonders of reasons filled with such creative lies just to pull you down from the top 3 placing that they can come out with was just so... "amazing". I mean, the participants are just children as young as 12 years old (age limit) and what kind of sense of humanity is that to snatch the prize and position they all deserve away from them? They're only children...
Big meanie. Big bullies. Should find a better hobby yeah? :)
2nd of July 1995- The day that I've never been and felt so much luckier. I was given the greatest gift by Buddha; my dearest brother. Not to exaggerate or feeling so proud of him but he is in fact, one of the nicest guy among the very few that I've ever met as he practically treats EVERYONE with a sincere heart, so kind that often, my mum was flooded with compliments by her friends, our neighbor and yes.. his teachers. Too nice that I do get worried if he'll get cheated or being used by his friends and YET his emotions are not triggered a single bit. Perhaps he was just disguising it well, I don't know but I'm really grateful to have him. And so yesterday night he was making a wish with both his eyes closed before blowing the candles, it took him like.. 3 minutes (I think) and only Buddha knows what's this lovely brother of mine are wishing for. Whatever it is, deep inside, I was quietly praying for him to have a great life and to be blessed with good health. Love you brother. :)

Happy 16th Birthday :)
Woke up at 6am today for Tzu Chi; this time it's a visit to Sungai Buloh. Completely different from what I have thought, the environment wasn't close at all to a proper center-like-looking compared with the HIV Community Center in Batu Arang but INSTEAD, it looks like a lovely village surrounded with absolutely eye-opening and mesmerizing flowers as you walk towards the areas. So beautiful that my grammar level itself could not fully describe what my eyes saw so thank gawd, I was conscious enough to take some pictures. *Ka chak* :)

Most of the villages are those precious human in their golden age and they're all equally cute, friendly and my heart literally melted numerous times with every sight of their smiles. Aww.. As you could see from the pictures above, those flowers are planted by these ah ma's and ah gong's themselves, a small but decent activity to earn money for their living and yes, they do get some money from the government monthly. Somehow, it kinds of made me think of something.
我们不知道自己会活到多久, 但是如果只能活一天, 也要好好'guo'日子.
(Translated slowly one-by-one from english word to chinese using
trial-n-error method by from Google Translate. *Whew.. so tiring* :p)
We do not know how long we will be able to live and just say if we were to left only a day of our life, we still have to live that one day meaningfully.
So, we should really cherish every single second, opportunity and breath we have by performing good deeds and contributing back to the society because.. we might not want to feel regret later on in life. Treasure our parents well and all individuals whom you love and means a lot to you yeah? :)
Three years has passed, you are in New Zealand and I have moved on with my life but recently, I received news from the birds that you hadn't. If I can do it, why can't you too?
Entering Sunway College has always been a great pleasure and I made quite a number of good friends who made each and every second I spent in campus quite enjoyable and meaningful. However, close at heart, I've never forget about the very few close friends I have that made me to whom am I today. I've never thought that I will find someone who absolutely does not have any blood relation with me and yet who knows me so well that she can even read me like a book and see through my thoughts like a glass. Perhaps, until now, she is the only one who knows that I do not open my door easily to other people and nonetheless, I do not fall for a guy easily. Quite hard, I would say but when I do... I will appreciate him a lot and love him just the way he is because like what I have said, it's not easy for me to find for someone who I really love. In fact, I wouldn't want him to change for me at all because by just being the way he is... he is utmost the most perfect guy I have ever met. ♥ :)
~ Thought of the Day 4~
Sometimes when we are dealing with people and matters in our life, we will tend to get frustrated and mad with things. Usually, we will hold on to our temper and frustration in order to deal with it but after some time, the annoyed feelings still stay and eventually we have a hard time trying to get rid of it easily. Gradually, this feelings develops into a knot in our heart and naturally, we will tend to dislike people who appears having the same 'characteristics' as the person we dislike in the past. This is actually quite unfair for those who 'appears' to be like that particular person, don't you think so? :) So, instead of letting our emotions control us, we should, as a matter of in fact, let go of the past by harboring gratitude towards people at all times. Even if we know that person is deliberately giving us trouble, we still have to be grateful to him or her; for letting us nurture our hearts of gratitude and grow our wisdom in dealing with it. With that, we get to know how strong our state of tolerance are, and how broad our heart is in treating the person after the matter is over. :) If we can learn to nurture a heart of gratitude, then no matter what kinds of people and situations we encounter in the future, we will eventually respect all the people involved, and deal it with love instead of anger and frustration.
Gan en! :)
我们不知道自己会活到多久, 但是如果只能活一天, 也要好好'guo(过)'日子
haha...nxt time if u need translation, perhaps i'm better thn google....
n u wake up so early to write ur blog....thumb up....
Hahaha.. you sounds like a walking Chinese dictionary. :p Aww.. thank you for your offer, so kind. :)
Oooh, I actually posted it at about 10pm that very night after coming back from Tzu Chi but somehow, there's something wrong with the time. Thanks for reminding, I've changed the time setting. :)
Gan en. :)
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