Tadaa!!Lol..hamper oni.Cheh!Kekeke..joking xP
It was monday assembly and I was called up the stage to receive the prize.Wth..I mean I can't cuz..
Summore I've just sit for the librarian qualifiying exam the previous week only.About librarian rules summore..hahaha..So,I just have to wait red faced for the teacher to repeat my name twice and FINALLY call for mun ye.Heheh..patience gives it all. :P
Waited till after school just to take the group photos..haih..
Amy's first attempt trying to get Hong Pei closer with us.Got the gap la..spoil the picture only.xP
The second attempt:
Finally got better oredi.But still very ugly laa..haih.Guys,guys..No comment. xP
And when we 'zhong yue' hoi cheung the hamper,everybosy elses which are noe in our group made a huge grab for it.So,in the end I left the school empty handed.Haha,don't want to fight with them la..xP
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