Saturday, November 27, 2010

~Lucky him~

My Mr. Smart cousin will be going for a student trip program to Taiwan soon. On the 7th, so I have heard. Meaning he will be leaving Malaysia after my SPM Additional Mathematics examination (Eheheheh~heh). According to the itinerary, he is supposed to bring three to four additional gifts along as he will be staying with two different Taiwanese family for a night or two each to experience how their lifestyles would be like. Basically, the program lasts for three weeks. Saw the program in displayed for the participants (only open to all newly Form 5 graduates) and obviously you will know that those who are selected will have a lot of fun there. They will need to introduce Malaysia's multiracial cultures, get involve in camping activities like campfire (so cool) and travel around Taiwan like tourist. My gawd.. So mummy allowed me to submit an application form for it next year. :) So yeah, for those who read this post and are interested to participate in this program, do let me know because from what I have heard, it is best if you tag a few friends along with you for the trip. I don't want to go alone. :)


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