True, but I do not agree. Let's make it this way, assume that one day you are given a choice to be transformed either into a whole new expensive toy sold in those big shopping centres OR a secondhand toy which colours are already faded here and there in a junkyard sale? I choose the second option.
I am not saying all but out of 10 kids, you will find only 2 to 3 young children who will truly appreciate their things. I am referring this to wealthy kids who got parents whom can get them anything they want and in this case, toys. Let's start with the first scene: You choose to be transformed into an expensive and classy toy. Mmhmm.. Good decision made, I mean who in the world who do not want to born into something beautiful and have a well arranged life? All you have to do is just to sit down quietly, looking pretty on the shelves while waiting for someone who walk past and go "Ooohhh" and got the cash to buy you home. The thoughts of living in your new home is more than enough to make you fly. Back to the fact, most rich kids, mind you, not all only lay their eyes on these expensive toys. As they are rich, they get to swap anything they want and soon can even compete or boast to their friends about how gigantic their collection of toys are like. 'Fresh' toys are considered the best and their supplies of toys kept multiplying every short duration of time. Because of this reason, most(not all) of the wealthy kids tend not to appreciate all the toys they have and spoiling them with no absolute feeling of guilt as they wouldn't CARE much less about it. I mean, what is the big deal? They can just BUY a new one every time they damaged their toys or get bored with it. So while these lucky humans are feeling happy with the uncountable blessings, what happen to their toys? Badly broken toys, with bits of cotton sticking out here and there, some lost their hands, or end up with a missing tyre thanks to the princess' or princes' beautiful tantrum can only wait to be thrown away. The rich(not all) hardly recycle, they just throw and throw and THROW away things that are already old but still functioning. After all, they can afford to buy a new one. NEW things just keep rolling and rolling. In the end, most of these expensive and classy toys end up in the trash bin with missing compartments. But there is also a possibility that the newly bought expensive toys will end up in good hands, just a slight possibility.
Now, looking from the second scene if you choose to be transformed into an old but still functioning toys sold in junkyards. In such case, you are considered as a secondhand item and are sold at a very cheap price by your previous owner. Unlike the first one, you are placed in a huge basket filled with many other old, smelly and dirty toys but thank God, they are still in one good piece. If you are unlucky, you will get squashed and unable to get any fresh air nor a glimpse of light until someone digs deep enough to bring you out. Nobody like worn out toys. You might have to WAIT long enough to be safely cuddled in the right hands. If you think deep enough, people who actually took their time to look through these bunch of toys and despite the lovely aroma and not so good condition appearance are hard to find. They still buy you regardless how dirty you are or whatsoever. Not to say the amount of time they spend to wash you clean, close up your wounds and stuff like that. At the end of the day, you can't help feeling so LUCKY to be CARED, APPRECIATED and LOVED. The life worth to be waiting for. Hard times are over, the amount of tears you have generously cried when your previous owner mis-treated you and yet being so loyal hoping that one day they finally realized you, not just as a toy but as a friend who will stay with them through hard times. You do not mind being wet all over soaked with their tears, the numerous times to got thrown at the floor when they are in a bad mood because at the end of the day, you know you will get picked up and got hugged to sleep. As a toy, you know your fate, you get played with and when the fun is all gone, you have to prepare for the worst. The day when they got bored of you. Yes, BORED of you. And the cycle goes on and on until that one day arrives. The day you have been yearning for so long, somebody who really appreciates you and is NOT AFRAID to let you know your existance really mean something in his or her life. Even if you are just a toy. The owner that PROTECTS you when his of her mum wants to give you away to the neighbour, the owner that makes sure you will not get HURT by playing with you gently, the owner who checks you are ALRIGHT by making sure his or her sister did not sneak you away silently, the owner that TRUSTS you are not the cause for the ink spillage on the carpet and lastly, the owner who NEVER GAVE up on you even if you are physically not so attractive any longer.
There are also some cases where owners come back searching for you after you got sent away. What I am trying to emphasize is.. why didn't they appreciate you when you are still around? Yes, thy might be upset when you are gone but didn't they thought of how upset you are when they treated you like a fly and eventually chased you away? Simply because you are just a TOY, you can only folow the flow like waves on water.
Toys are like humans. But humans are not toys.
Appreciate people who step into your life and means something to you because you will never know how long will it take to come across someone similiar like the one you had lost. Fear not to turn back because those who really cared for you have always been UNCONDITIONALLY FORGAVE you with every mistakes you had done. Like a mother who forgives her child's mistakes since yw very first day they stepped into this world.
1 comment:
You have a talent. Only certain people would understand what you had typed in your blogs especially posts like these. Amazing.
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