The evil witch named Rappidzel..
Laid an evil evil curse when she..
The evil evil evil one..
Found out that..
Her role as the main character in Red Riding Hood was taken over by a little girl..
Who was in fact a hobbit in disguise..
After eating her magical red bittergourd..
Planted by the her slaves..
The seven tall gnomes..
So, each year..
The Kingdom has no choice but to have an annual tradition..
To replace their king one by one..
So finally..
The time when King 2010 steps down from his throne..
Prince 2011 was only 1 second years old..
And got elected as the new king..
Everyone was happy..
Because he..
Got a crown..
Made out of..
A bottle of milk..
And a pacifier.
That's how the phrase :
Comments by
Comes about..
And they all live happily ever after.
:) Drank a bottle full with boredom. And a pinch of lameness.
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