Friday, February 19, 2010


Came back home today~sob* I really don't wanna leave that place's like heaven or even better than that.I love the way the wind blow softly at my face,the sound of the sea,the green views of the all mighty mother nature..they're all too beautiful to be described in any sorts of way and in fact,you can only really 'feel' all these by being there yourself :) What I did at the last hour there before going back home is to cycle and exploring the small roads with my 9 years old couz.We were both giggling and chatting throughout the journey and yes,I love u dear :) U r so cute and sweet :) May you be forever happy and healthy,Jia Yee :)

I didn't manage to do what I'm suppose to finish there except for the art work.Lol.Took the four days of hold to watch 'A.N.JELL',a korean drama with my couz and my god,it's really interesting.After that,went to watch Avatar.Lol.I'm so dead.Exam is two weeks time!:( Oh well,it has always been like that last minute is so my style.Many people asked me how did I manage to finish studying in two weeks but honestly,what I did was to sit down at my own chair and start remembering all those long long info until my mum ask me to eat my's not exactly the best way to study but that's how i did it by luck which is not so good cuz I can actually get so tensed up before exam..Haha..


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